If you own a Landmark Creations inflatable and have a success story to tell, we encourage you to share your stories and photos with us!
Your story will be in front of our 5,000 newsletter subscribers, you'll get a permanent page with links on our website (10k average monthly visits), we'll mention the case study in our twitter accounts and on our facebook page. If the idea resonates well with our audience, we may even feature it again in future videos and articles.
There are 9 simple questions to complete and 2 options for sending your photos or video. That's it! Yours may be one of the companies featured in an upcoming issue of Landmarketing eNewsletter!
When you succeed, we succeed! That's why we love for our customers to tell others about their marketing victories. If you have a photo or two and 5 minutes to answer 9 quick questions, we'd love to feature you on our web site or in our quarterly eNewsletter, Landmarketing. You'll get a little extra exposure and we get to show the world how inflatables can work wonders for practically any industry. We look forward to learning more about your promotion. Send your custom inflatable photos, press releases and videos today!
It's quick & easy: just fill out the form to the right, attach a photo of your project & click "Submit"!